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MG600S Rangefinder: Slope, Vibrating MG-Lock Confirmation,
Superb Range & Accuracy, & More!
MG-Lock Slope Mode View Shown
• Superb range & accuracy. Measures
distance within 1 yard from 6-600+ yards.
Includes MG-Lock Standard Distance
Mode and MG-Lock Slope Mode. MG-Lock Standard Distance Mode View Shown
• MG-Lock measures the distance to the
pin when something else (like a bunker • A slimmer, more ergonomic design.
or trees) is behind it. This feature helps With a small profile of 2.87" x 1.54" x
you easily lock on to the pin. Available in 4.17", and an ergonomically contoured
Standard or Slope Mode. design, it fits even more comfortably
• Slope Mode (aka Recommended in the palm of your hand for a better
Distance RD) adjusts for changes in grip, and its 6.0 oz. weight is practically
elevation. The yardage is adjusted based nothing to carry in your bag.
on the angle of the slope. • Crystal clear optics. High quality 6X
• Vibrating MG-Lock confirmation. magnification 21mm objective lens with
A single pulse gives tactile feedback large display and a 7.2° view angle helps
that the rangefinder has locked on to ensure quick accurate readings. Has
the target. Compare this to the JOLT® adjustable diopter to customize to your
technology on Bushnell's rangefinders own eyesight correction prescription.
(some of them cost upwards of $400!) • Comes with handy carry case, wrist
• Convenient external LCD display. Makes strap, 3V lithium battery, microfiber
it easy for you to read your measurement lens cloth, and instructions.
and share with your buddies without • 60 day money-back guarantee. Don’t
having to look through the viewfinder. like it? Return it in good condition
within 60 days for a full refund of the
You need to play golf with it product price, no questions asked.
to see how nice it really is! SHOP THIS ITEM ORDER NOW
" I have checked it out with Both the MG600S & MG800S $ 109 95
several playing partners'
big name and high-priced
rangefinders and this 600S
ergonomic design that fits very
outperformed. It has all the have a slim size with
features theirs had and they comfortably in your hand.
started using my 600S. I
am very happy with mine.
Thanks again for this great
Harold Johnson, (CE RF M600S)
Lexington, SC