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 Make Golf More Fun,  with  Our MG  Senior Ball

      f you're like many golfers who are      a diminishing increase in distance.  In
    Igetting along in years, you are losing   fact, as you see in the table, this ball is
     clubhead speed and distance each and     USGA non-conforming. It’s intended
     every year. Hitting the ball 250+ yards   only for the enhancement of your game
     can be a real challenge. But that’s pretty   enjoyment and is not for tournament
     much just how life goes.                 play.
        Even so, a slower swing speed will
     take some of the enjoyment out of your      Try the MG Senior Ball Risk-Free
     golf. But here’s the thing, you don’t       Tens of thousands of golfers have
     have to put up with that. You can do     purchased the MG Senior Ball (we’ve
     something about it!                      had a hard time keeping up at times).
        If your good drives are consistently   And I feel very strongly that those
     less than 250 yards, the new MG Senior   customers, and thousands more, will
     Ball is the longest ball you can play!   benefit enormously from the extra
                 Expect                       distance it delivers. So I’ll make you this
      Astonishingly                                           unbeatable deal:
      More Distance                                              Try a dozen of the
                                                              MG Senior Balls for only
        Yes, you will                                         $19.95 per dozen. If
     be amazed at                                             you aren’t satisfied with
     the increase in                                          your distance gains, if
     distance you                                             you aren’t enjoying golf
     will get from                                            more than you have in
     these balls. Most                                        years, or for whatever
     golfers get at least    Optic Yellow         White       other reason, just send
     15 extra yards on their drives, some     the balls back within 60 days for a full
     even more than 20! It flies higher and   refund of the product price, even if
     longer, with a hotter feel off the face   they’re used.*
     and a sound you aren’t used to hearing      So, have you had enough of coming
     anymore. And you can expect at least a   up short time after time? Then start
     club longer with your irons too!         enjoying golf a lot more. Order your MG
        Because of its higher flight          Senior Ball today!
     trajectory, the ball has a steeper
     descent angle into the green, which       "    On 11/22/24 at age 78
     means it stops quicker on the green.
     Putts feel solid too.                          I had my first ever hole
        Even if you have a low handicap,            in one. I was using MG
     but your swing has slowed down, this              Senior ball. I've used
     ball will help you too. I was talking with    them for years and love
 Add your own custom flair for FREE!  my doctor friend who has a 2 handicap.    them. Thanks.
 Choose from text, monogram, coat of arms, or upload your own image.*   But he’s getting older, so his swing has   William Swift,
     slowed considerably. Without me even
 Check out some sample ideas below!   bringing it up he told me, ‘I have about 3   Apache Junction, AZ
     or 4 of those Senior Balls of yours in my
     bag. Last Saturday I hit a solid 172 yard
     iron shot into a greenside                                             "
     bunker. Just to see, I pulled                           MG Senior Golf Ball
     out one of yours and hit the
     same shot. It flew over that                        $               95
     bunker and stopped on the                               19
     back edge of the green. I’m
     impressed.’                                                            doz
          Who Benefits?
        The MG Senior Ball is optimized for       
     golfers with a swing speed of less than   SHOP THIS ITEM
     100 MPH, so it’s not just for older golfers.       1 DOZEN MG SENIOR BALL (ITEM SBALL)
     Because of that optimization, golfers              2-PIECE USGA NON-CONFORMING GOLF BALLS
     with 100+ MPH swing speeds will see                C OL ORS
                                                        CLASSIC WHITE, OPTIC YELLOW
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