
Item Reviews for: TechGrip -  X

Review Title:

These gloves are better and last longer than gloves costing more than twice as much.

By: Dr. John Bodner, Lakewood, WA Submitted: 10/7/2024

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

What is your opinion of this product? These gloves are better and last longer than gloves costing more than twice as much.
Review Title:

I have been using MG Golf gloves for years.

By: Ronald J. Pape, Waukesha, WI Submitted: 10/7/2024

Overall5 out of 5 stars.

What is your opinion of this product? I have been using MG Golf gloves for years... I would not use another glove because for wear, comfort, and fit - I have found MG Golf to be the best!